Fellowship Principles
Esoterika aims at providing the best masonic fellowship experience possible through the follwing principles.
Prospect Focused
Brotherly Bonds
The Beauty and Mystery of Freemasonry
prospect focused
We employ a prospect and candidate focused approach that centers on providing men interested in joining the fraternity an experience that foreshadows what may await upon initiation into our fraternity. As a prospect, we value your feedback and aim to adapt to the needs of the next generation of masons while remaining true to our principles.
brotherly bonds
The foundation of our fraternity is built on brotherly love. Although we are committed to the pursuit of living and studying the wisdom, spirituality, and philosophy of freemasonry, none of that can be achieved without strong fraternal ties. We enjoy eachother’s company and support one another in our individual and collective development.
The Beauty and mystery
of freemasonry
esoterika fellowship events invite prospects and candidates to experience the beauty and mystery of freemasonry. Our fellowship events follow a theme that invites participants to explore the philosophy, spirituality, and wisdom of the teachings of freemasonry in a setting that exemplifies the beauty of our craft.